Correct installation of boilers and other pressure vessels can assist in avoiding serious harm to personnel, problems and breakdowns. How can you protect your business against faulty installations when purchasing, maintaining or reinstalling a boiler? The following steps may help with choosing the correct equipment, installation and operation. Planning for and managing the risks of boiler installations can assist in avoiding loss of productivity and thousands of Rands in equipment and business income losses.
• Ensure the installation complies with all applicable codes and correct standards.
• Ensure your obtaining contract specifies the boiler and equipment you purchased.
• Ensure you create a list of the work that needs to be done and make sure your contractor follows through with every point.
• Ensure that all owner/operator manuals, guides and instruction books are delivered, handed over and kept in a safe place, preferably near the equipment.
• Ensure your insurance brokers review the boiler work before your contractor transfers responsibility for the unit to your business and owner.
• Don’t complete transfer of the boiler unit, until your contractor has fired up the unit for the first time and the contractor trains all personnel who will be operating the equipment.
A Timely Inspection Prevents a Loss
The school neighbourhood was lucky. An inspector discovered the cracks before serious destruction and boiler failure had occurred. The area on the boilers were repaired and support rails installed properly and securely to help prevent further cracks in the two boilers.
The important lesson learnt here? Proper installation of boilers and other pressure vessels can most definitely help avoid serious issues and breakdowns that can leave a business or companies without heat or hot water and present a risk to the safety of personnel, maintenance workers, customers and the public.
For quality installation of Boilers, get in touch with our professionals at Steam Generation. We also provide quality repairs, replacements and just about anything else your business might need with get your boilers to work efficiently.